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Git Your PCBs Online

git branch -M main # before your first commit, you add your .gitignore file # then, add files as needed - use 'git status' to check in git add board.kicad_pcb [...] git add # or ... read more

Undo and revert pushed Git commits

If you need to undo a git push, you only have two options: revert the pushed commit or reset it. The option you choose to undo a pushed commit depends on the following three factors: How much control ... read more

PuTTY SSH client flaw allows recovery of cryptographic private keys

A vulnerability tracked as CVE-2024-31497 in PuTTY 0.68 through 0.80 could potentially allow attackers with access to 60 cryptographic signatures to recover the private key used for their generation. read more

What is the git stash command?

When a developer runs the git stash command, Git stores all the changes in a stash and resets the state of the workspace to its prior commit state. Git stash acts as a version control tool and lets ... read more

Guest View: The hidden hazards of squashing Git commits

With UI-level access to this Git power-user feature, more teams are squashing commits to make code review easier and provide a cleaner-looking history in tools like gitk or SourceTree. But ... read more

How to Use GitHub Desktop in Windows 10 and 11

Quite obviously, GitHub Desktop is not as powerful as using git from the command line, but it can still help you accomplish a lot. You can clone remote repositories, make commits, work on multiple ... read more

Beyond Git: How version control systems are evolving for devops

Version control is a foundational practice for managing changes to source code over time. Here's how version control systems are evolving to meet the demand for scalability, performance, security, and ... read more

How Microsoft’s Git fork scales for massive monorepos

Much of Scalar’s work happens in the background, so that features like Git’s garbage collection don’t block commits when rewriting and updating files. Scalar does this by setting key Git ... read more

Security flaw in top SSH client could let hackers recover cryptographic private keys

Multiple versions of the PuTTY SSH client were found to be vulnerable to a high-severity flaw which allowed, in certain scenarios, threat actors to exfiltrate private keys used to generate ... read more

HuggingFace and ServiceNow reveal Github Copilot rival

More than 80 programming languages, Git commits, GitHub issues, and Jupyter notebooks went into creating the AI assistant for developers over the course of more than six months, with a separate ... read more
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